How fast is shipping?

We ship out next business day, so expect to receive your box within 2-3 business days.


When is the first day to order for the following month?

The 15th of the previous month. For example, you can order the December box starting November 15th. 


What is the last day to order the current month's box?

The last day of each month. 


What does each monthly box include? 

Each box includes 2 pre-measured, pre-packaged recipes. Some recipes may need butter, eggs or milk and some may need none at all. 


What is the best time to order this month's box?

We release next month's box on the 15th of the current month. For example, if you would like the September box, it will be open for orders August 15th.


What is the shelf-life of the ingredients?

Although all of our ingredients are shelf stable, we recommend using them within 3 months of purchase for best quality. 


Do you offer refunds?

We do not offer refunds at this time.